Transcription services aren’t just for those who don’t have secretaries, or for when your secretary or PA is on holiday – have a look at your secretary and see if they’re frazzled. Seriously, secretaries have so much to do all the time, and half the time I bet you don’t even realise how much they do to make your life easier. Give them a bit of a break, take some of that typing workload off of them, let them get on with important things in the office (prepping bundles, dealing with clients, doing that all important tender document) and send some of the typing over here. It takes you an hour to dictate that important statement that you need for tomorrow but it will take your secretary at minimum three hours – and that’s if they don’t have any interruptions! Let someone who has legal background deal with those long, long dictations, or some of the time/attendance notes and free up your secretary to do those urgent things in the office without sacrificing the typing.